
You may query us about your screenplay or comic book at info@ptmla.com. If we are interested in reading your project we will let you know within 48 hours and email you a release form which you must return with your screenplay or other literary property.

Tips for a Good Query

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself and don’t be afraid to brag. Have your scripts won a contest? Do you have any produced credits? Sell us on selling you!
  • Provide both a concise, high concept logline as well as a slightly longer (5-7) sentence synopsis.
  • Only query about one script per email.
  • Please don’t call to follow up 27 times. It’s not like the “27th time is a charm.”
  • Remember, we want to love your script as much as you want us to. If we don’t respond to this one we might respond to the next one.
  • Keep ’em comin’!
If we have not answered your query, unfortunately it is because we are not interested. We have neither the time nor manpower to respond individually to the volume of emails we receive every day.